Saturday, October 31, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why I Quit The Rat Race

Effective 16 October 2009, I am officially out of the rat race. Here are my top 10 reasons why I quit the rat race:

Job Security. Job security is an obsolete idea. Several of my friends were laid off from their jobs. Since they are living in the illusion of job security, they find new jobs without thinking that it would happen to them AGAIN. For them, job is their only source of income to survive. But not for me.

I am lazy. People are naturally lazy. The only difference is that some do the things they want to do and some work very hard so that they would be able to do the things they want to do in the future. I am now building my pipelines that will give me unlimited income so I could do the things I want to do in the future like spending most of my time with my family.

Freedom. I choose to have financial freedom rather than financial security. Security and freedom are not the same. Having a job is a very secure way of making money. You know that in a certain time period, you are going to get a certain amount. But you just have to do whatever your boss wants you to do. As a business owner, you have the freedom to decide what you want to do.

Environment. I choose to be in a powerful environment. I choose to be with people who also want to succeed; people who care about my success; people who empower me and other people.

I am willing to fail. No matter how many failures I may encounter, I will never give up. The only real failure in life is the failure to try.

Growth. I want to grow mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and financially. I want to learn more about investing rather than follow my boss to do what he wants me to do. I want to feel that I am great rather than feel that I am unworthy and powerless. I want to develop my network rather than look for more work. I want to feel that I am a leader who empowers. I want to be wealthy rather than be a corporate slave.

Income. I want to change my income pattern. I want to move from E quadrant to B and I quadrant.

Family. As I write this blog, my family still doesn’t know that I quit my job. Of course, they still worry about my future because we don’t have the same mindset yet. But soon they will understand me. I just did this for them. I want to fulfil their dreams. Because of urgency, I quit my job without any hesitation. My parents are not growing any younger. I just want to take action NOW. This is the fastest and legal way I know that will fulfil their dreams.

Dreams. I just have a very simple dream for my family. My first dream is to fulfil their dreams as soon as possible while they are still here. My second dream is to take part in making our country a first world nation. It may not happen in my lifetime, but this dream will still happen. I am proud to be a Filipino.

Purpose. My purpose in life is to be the best son and father that I can be, serve God, and empower my fellow Filipinos to rebuild our nation into a First World Country.

I am RY ZUNIGA, Core Team, now a full time entrepreneur. Because of Create Abundance 2020 Business Community, I learn, I believe, I act, I see, I feel.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” - Stephen A. Brennan

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


From Merriam-Webster:
Main Entry: un·learn
Pronunciation: \-ˈlərn\
Function: transitive verb
Date: 15th century
1 : to put out of one's knowledge or memory
2 : to undo the effect of : discard the habit of

Once a great mentor of mine said that your life right now is the
result of what you have learned.

So if you want to change your life you have to unlearn beliefs, habits
and knowledge that is not supportive of your desired life style.

For example the money you have right now is a result of your money
blueprint. The only way you can reconstruct or recondition your money
blueprint is to be aware of it first and understand where it came

Our Wealth Course is designed for you to be aware of your money
blueprint so that you will have access of unlearning these in order to
live the lifestyle you desire and to earn the income or accumulate the
wealth that you dreamt of.

So if you are ready for unlearning, contact the person who brought you
here in and reserve a seat for our wealth course. If you
cannot remember who invited you here or you do not have someone who
referred you to this website you can reserve your seats with by
sending me a private message in my profile:

Attending the wealth course will change your life.

For your wealth and abundance!

This blog is an original composition, no one is allowed to repost this
blog or any portion of it without permission from the author.

To view author's profile:

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mind of an Entrepreneur

What is going inside the mind of an entrepreneur? Based from our personal experience, we called it SPREAD:

Solution - entrepreneur is defined as a person who solves problems for other people for a profit or pay. When there are problems, entrepreneur see it as an opportunity. So if you have a mind of an entrepreneur you saw every problem as an opportunity to create a solution.

Positivism - One of the most faithful people on earth and the highest Adversity Quotient (AQ) are the entrepreneurs. They always believe in what they do and who they do it with and who they do it for. They also suffer several negative incidents but since they are positive thinkers they can always see the blessings in disguise or the lessons behind the failures and they keep moving forward.

Replication - entrepreneurs have systemization skills. They learn to replicate the solution so when a similar problems occur it will be automatically solved. So if you have a mind of an entrepreneur you create solution made into systems which can be replicated by others.

Expansion - entrepreneurs have an expansionist mindset. The world is their playground. The universe is at their command. They always think beyond boundaries. The solutions they created is applicable to all inhabitants of the earth.

Altruism - Entrepreneurs are world citizens. They are always in pursuit for the welfare of others. They are in the Self Actualization stage and living their life purpose.

Delayed Gratification - entrepreneurs can wait for their solutions to mature and be marketable and reach a significant number of people before they will get paid. This time they are paid passive income (multiple income streams) and not earned income. Entrepreneurs have business system working for them.

Do you want to have a mind of an entrepreneur?

If your answer is YES, then you are invited to enroll in our Business School which is exclusive for Core Team members only. 

For Your Wealth and Abundance!

For First World Philippines!

This blog is an original composition, no one is allowed to repost this blog or any portion of it without permission from the author. View authors profile: CLICK HERE .

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

I found my true Personal Legend in CA…

A Personal Legend, according to The King of Salem in the book “The Alchemist”, is…

"It's what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they were young, knows what their Personal Legend is." He expounds on this, saying "...there is one great truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it's because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It's your mission on earth."

CA2020 Business Community is The Alchemist who made me realize my true Personal Legend. 

I was just like Santiago, the main character of the book “The Alchemist”, whose dream was always to travel and see different people and culture. Since I was a boy, I was used to a life of employment and scarcity. It was the only life I knew that existed, the life of an employee, the poor and the middle class. But still, my desire never went away…

Then I met The King of Salem in a form of a book called “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. It taught me the basics on what I need to do to achieve my dreams. From that moment, I became fully aware that to make my dreams a reality, I have to venture into business and investments. And so I did… But what I was not aware of was the fact that I had to face a lot of challenges along the way. I was not prepared for what was coming and so I failed…

Until I met The Alchemist in the form of a community called “Create Abundance”. Just like The Alchemist, CA2020 made me listen to my heart to find my treasures. In a true essence, CA2020 made me realize the purpose of my existence. A treasure it is indeed… and then I’ve found my true Personal Legend…


“My purpose in life is to make everyone happy.” – Dylan Chan


I am coming from a space wherein happiness is achieving all our dreams and the dreams of those people that matters most to us. I will make everyone happy by empowering them to realize their full potential. Inspire them to become great leaders. I'll be the catalyst for them to embody the greatness within themselves. When they do, all their dreams will turn into reality. And when that happens, everyone will be truly happy, for happiness is getting what one’s true desire. 

Thank you CA

This is who I am. This is what I stand for. I am Dylan Chan, an Entrepreneur and a Financial Literacy Advocate. 

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

The Teacher will come once the students are ready

I am a fan of Robert Kiyosaki and one thing I learn from him is YOU NEED TO HAVE MENTOR if I want to be successful in life on the area of business and investment and that's what I did, I look for mentors by attending seminars and joining real estate as a salesman. The right time comes for me to be mentored as the saying goes "The Teacher will come once the students are ready" so I know CA2020 through a friend and I remembered that time that I have an email invitation from CA2020 and I responded to it and the rest are history, I am now part of the prestigious Core Team. What I would like to share to you right now is that, I am not only find a mentor in CA2020 but I found the following: FAMILY

A family who believes in me, patient enough to mentor me, rebuke me, love me and support me. COMMUNITY One of my dream is to create a community, a community where growth is happening at all aspects and I found CA2020, a community where I experience growth in my PERSONALITY, i gain more confidence in facing people, my knowledge in the area of managing money also increases thus I have now the confidence when we talk about money. CA2020 brings out t he best in me at all times. RICH DAD The Coaches and the Core Teams in CA2020 are my Rich DAD, I experience coaching and mentoring as a lifestyle. We live what we talk. I am assured of my growth here, as I grow money will follow and I'm gonna experience financial freedom soon as I enjoy sharing our community's mission to educate people on how to take control of their finances and to achieve our vision to have a FIRST WORLD PHILIPPINES and FIRST WORLD NATIONS Create Abundance 2020 Business Community or CA2020 is the community that can provide me and you COACHES and MENTORS. If you know that you are destined for greatness, CA2020 is for you. Thanks for your love and support,

Dave Jereos


Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

Sunday, October 4, 2009

CA2020 House Rules

Being a member of the CA2020 private and exclusive network is a privilege and not a right. We want to make your online network membership a wonderful, meaningful and fulfilling experience. Please abide with the House Agreement below in order to maintain your online membership:

Our House Agreement:

To Avoid Being Banned:
*No Improper Profile Photo.
*No Code Names.
*No Advertising.
*No Selling of Goods.
*No Selling of Services.
*No Recruiting.
*No Pyramiding.
*No Contact Fishing.
*No Spamming.
*No Fake Profile
*No Promotion of Job or Employment
*No Promotion of Small Business or Self-Employment
*No Promotion of Binary MLM.
*No Copying of Blogs and Posts without Permission from the Authors.

We will immediately ban without warning members not following the above House Agreement.

Why? Because this Community was Created to Promote the CORE VALUES of B-Quadrant Businesses and I-Quadrant Strategic Investments, that will make our Core Team Members Retire Young and Retire Rich.

If you are banned from and want to be un-banned send a message to 0915-525-5595 with your name and email address and make a promise to abide with the CA2020 House Agreement.

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

Real Life Education by Caren Kate Cu, Core Team

School education only focuses on the MENTAL aspect. Traditional educators seem to forget that LIFE CHANGING EDUCATION happens when the four aspects of education are covered. The other three are EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL.

"When I speak of Life-changing education, I speak of education powerful enough to change a caterpillar into a butterfly." ~ Robert Kiyosaki, Business School

We all start as the lowly caterpillar crawling around the leaves of our lives. We undergo changes, we grow and hopefully we become butterflies. Sadly though, not everyone can reach the highest form of change called the chrysalis. This is where the caterpillar stops crawling and begins to grow wings to be able to fly. Some get eaten with the problems of life, some die out of hunger of knowledge, some just get lost, never knowing they have the capacity to fly if only they focus on their growth.

MENTAL EDUCATION. These are cognitive skills. Reading, writing and arithmetic. Very important but not enough. Unfortunately, many people just settle with having this type of education.

EMOTIONAL EDUCATION. If IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is important, EQ (Emotional Quotient) is as important. In the real world, the people who get ahead are the people who make the most mistakes and learn from them. You would probably never have learned to ride a bicycle if you were punished for falling off and given a failing grade in bicycle riding. Do not be afraid to fail. Make mistakes, correct, learn and grow.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION. How can you progress if you know all the answers but are terrified of trying anything? You learn how to swim by jumping in the water. You learn how to play the guitar by practicing how to strum it. You learn by doing, not just reading or watching others do it.

SPIRITUAL EDUCATION. Your strength, courage and your will to succeed comes for you. Your spirit must believe in your capacity to grow as a better person. Doubts, reasons and excuses cripple you. Rid of them and you can be able to open your self to learning. You have the ability to be great, believe it!

Education and growth is a process. Be a beginner. Sooner or later, you will have wings like that of a butterfly, and you can be able to fly.

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CA2020 Expansion Strategy

It is describe in three words: Pay it forward.

This is how we will accomplish our mission of spreading financial education throughout the nation and the world.

This is how are vision of creating 1,000 Filipino Team Made Multi-Millionaires will be realized.

This is how are dream of First World Philippines will happen.

This is how we dedicate ourselves in Creating a World that Works for For All.

We need more financial educators missionaries. Will you join us in our mission?

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Three Words Wisdom

From Create Abundance

1 to 10

Be Do Have

Declare Plan Execute

Thoughts Create Things

Keep Moving Forward

We Work Together

Pay It Forward

Results Follows Commitment

Attitude Before Method

Mission Before Commission

Urgency Not Emergency

11 to 20

Team Made Millionaires

Seek For Leaders

Make A Stand

Everything From Nothing

Play To Win

Hit The Standards

Money Buys Time

Open New Doors

Change Begins Within

Listen to Engage

21 to 30

Teamwork Always Work

Always Work Smart

Unstoppable And Unreasonable

Warrior And Wizard

Start from Scratch

Swallow Your Pride

Be a Leader

Reasons or Results?

Be a Beginner

Create From Nothing

31 to 40

Dream Big Dreams

Do The Impossible

Thoughts Creates Feelings

Feelings Creates Actions

Action Creates Results

Do Sexual Transmutation

Read and Lead

Study to Teach

Back to Zero

Multiply Your Tribes

41 to 50

Expand Your Network

Develop Your Skills

Power is Velocity

Open Your Eyes

Be Open Minded

Strive for Excellence

Be Very Coachable

Always Show Up

Team Elite Mining

Right Quadrant Transition

51 to 60

Law of Attraction

Law of Connection

Law of Potential

Law of Giving

Law of Karma

Law of Intention

Law of Desire

Law of Detachment

Law of Dharma

Law of Receiving

61 to 70

Guerilla Business School

Have Burning Desires

Build Your Pipelines

Unstoppable Exponential Growth

Expand Income Zone

Support Each Other

Play Full Out

Nourish The Children

Inspire and Engage

Pay Yourself First

71 to 80

Other People's Money

Other People's Resources

Other People's Network

Other People's Experience

Other People's Knowledge

Other People's Time

Other People's Skills

Other People's Wisdom

Other People's Strength

Other People's Creativity

81 to 90

Have Mastermind Teams

Your Life Purpose

Power of Intention

Core Team Process

Art of Leverage

Empower Not Help

Coaches and Mentors

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Create Your Reality

No Victim Stories

91 to 101

Life Changing Education

Attend Wealth Course

Play Cash Flow

Health is Wealth

Wealth from Zero

Ride the Trend

Spread Financial Literacy

Wealth Conditioning Program

First World Philippines!

I Love Abundance!

We Create Abundance!

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

Friday, October 2, 2009

A New Set Of Eyes by Kris Ramirez, Core Team

I graduated with a degree of B.S. Biology and I'm supposed to go to med school but since my family was struggling financially, I wasn't able to pursue medicine and eventually became the breadwinner. As a breadwinner, I chose a job that pays more than average so I worked in a call center.

After year and a half, I thought of working in real estate sales to study sales since it's one of the most important aspects in business then real estate because I idolize Donald Trump and he loves real estate.

After some time, we had the opportunity to put up a business using the money that my father's friend, which is a businessman, gave to him as a gift. We had an internet cafe and it was run by my older brother. After a year, the business was still not going so well. I was looking for a mentor so I can save our Internet Cafe which my brother plans to close and that was the time I've found Create Abundance 2020 Business Community.

We still closed our internet cafe despite of having a mentor because I was advised to do so. I assumed that my mentor thought that I wasn't prepared to handle such business since my core values still didn't fit the business world during that time. At first I was quite not okay with what my mentor's advice to close the cafe but I acted despite of doubt and trusted my mentors. Along the way, it was revealed to me that I made the right choice. For me, this community is like a rehabilitation center wherein it will teach you how to act despite of fear, doubt and of anything. And here's where I've found people who do not forget how to dream and to make their dreams a reality. I've also learned from this community that wealth will just follow our personal growth. I've been a debater in school and haven't noticed that I've also became a debater in whatever happens to my life wherein I complain too much and I was highlighting things that are negative because I've formed the habit of always debating about something especially since I came from a family of activists. But when I joined the community, it gave me a new set of eyes. I realized that I was paying attention to senseless things like debating on things that really should not consume much of my time because it makes me unproductive. Instead of debating on it, I learned how to take action, mind my own business and to keep moving forward. I've also learned how to produce results with little or no information. I am also able to form the habit of highlighting things that are positive rather than the negative. The community trained me to only entertain thoughts that empower me and if something disempowers me, I was able to adapt the habit of turning a disempowering story into an empowering one.

The community also was able to give me the opportunity to hone my leadership skills. Though I was given leadership roles when I was in high school and very active in extra-curricular activities, I feel I was not a good leader back then simply because I do not feel fulfilled. CA2020 gave me an excellent training ground to test my leadership and entrepreneurial skills and now I have a bigger dream which is to lead Filipinos to achieve First World Philippines! My mentors taught me well and now it’s time for me to pay it forward!

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How The S-Quadrant People Choose The Type Of Business They Get Into by COACH RYAN VERGARA

1.Their passion - a type of product or activity they like doing (i.e. food, soap, setting up cars)

2.Their skills - they were told that if you're good at something make it a business (i.e. if you're good at cooking so put up a restaurant, if you're good at writing write a book)

3.Their previous jobs or profession - they believe they can start a similar or exactly the same business as their employer's (i.e., a former engineer of a big firm suddenly puts up an engineering consultancy business or a construction business)

4.What's in - they look at what most people do for business (i.e. noodle kiosks, prepaid cards,gluthatione soaps, websites)

5.Get rich quick schemes - they want quick bucks so they go for "easy sounding" stuff (i.e. pay per click schemes, pyramiding MLMs showing them checks or fancy cars)

A staggering statistic says 90% of all businesses fail within their first five years of startup. From the 10% that survive the first five years, only 5% go on to their tenth year.

Some wanna be entrepreneurs would go as far as to attempt to compete with known companies. I have heard of things such as "the product that my business offers is better because (explaining how it's made or the contents" or "Filipinos love better what is Philippine-made". Funny because they don't see the big picture. It's systems that run businesses not products. For instance, if your business sells soaps, how can you compete with companies that put millions of DOLLARS R&D to each of its products per year? How can you compete with their business system of sourcing raw materials, global manufacturing, global distribution, offering of stocks to the public (which makes them bigger)?

In the Core Team before we develop WORLD CLASS FILIPINO PRODUCTS we first develop WORLD CLAS S FILIPINO BUSINESS LEADERS. That's why we do it in stages:

Stage 1: We partner with a Multibillion Dollar Global Distribution Company. This frees our mind from the headaches of small businesses (i.e. inventory, accounting, employees, manufacturing,overhead costs). We then can focus our attention into building leadership skills and mastering systems. The business' system allows us to create excessive Cash Flow. This is the stage where we enter the B-Quadrant. We build and expand our network as well as build multiple streams of passive income (in preparation for the next stages). Most believe we earn from recruiting new people - they don't really understand so they are not in our league.

Stage 2: We become Real Estate developers and not mere agents, flippers or small-deal landlords (as most real estate wanna-be's become). The network we have built from Stage 1 shall be our business partners, investors and even clients (talk about creating your own market). The Cash Flow we have built from Stage 1 becomes our financial report card that creditors and other investors will look into when they fund our projects.

Stage 3: We can start or invest in any business we want. Why? Because at this time we already have the following: Network and the 3Es (Education, Experience and Excessive Cash Flow). Now in this level we have already grown to be World Class Business Leaders (from the things we learn in Stages 1 and 2). This is the stage where we can develop WORLD CLASS FILIPINO PRODUCTS that can be globally distributed.

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DROWNING IN THE FLOODS by Caren Kate Cu, Core Team

"You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there." ~Edwin Louis Cole

The Typhoon Ondoy devastation was heartbreaking. Lives were lost, properties were damaged, and spirits were broken. At the same time, it was also heartwarming. People learned to share, to volunteer and risk their own lives just so they can save others. Help and donations were outpouring. Truly, we Filipinos know the meaning of bayanihan by heart. No amount of flood can drown us, our dreams and our will to survive if we don't let them.

In life, we only drown if we stay in the water or we stay submerged in it. Like what they always say, "And buhay ay weather weather lang." We can never have sunny days all year round. Yes, bad things happen even to good people. But these storms does not happen to us to drown us, it is just there to test us if we know how to swim. For many of us, we only think of learning how to swim when we are already in the waters gasping for our breaths. Preparation is still, the best remedy. But of course, you can never learn how to swim by reading books or watching others do it. You learn by jumping in the waters yourself. But since you are a beginner, you need a coach to guide you.

People often dismiss what is important when the weather is fine. They would realize what they need during the time the calamity is already happening. Yes, it is true that we cannot predict accidents and life itself. But we can always choose to be prepared. Learn how to swim, it helps. If you are afraid to try it, find someone to mentor you. Start in the shallow waters and eventually move on. Very soon, you'll be trying the butterfly stroke.

Swimming and drowning is very much like business. If you don't know what you are doing and if you are not prepared and not financially educated, you will drown. There will always be storms in life, you don't want to get caught unaware. Fortunately, Create Abundance would love to swim with you. Do you want to get ready for the next storm?

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Life changing Education by John Paul Lerit, Core Team

We hear a lot of networking companies today, and a lot of people are into this kind of business while others upon hearing the word "network marketing a.k.a. networking" there is a sudden spark in their head screaming "SCAM ALERT!". Although we can blame them because of the past scandals involving pyramiding and different kind of schemes. We should start opening our mind to this kind of business and learn how to choose a good networking company.

Life changing education, this should be one of your reason for joining a network marketing company. In fact it should be one of the first thing you should be looking for when picking a network marketing company, aside from company's stability, products, and compensation plan.

What is a life changing education?

According to Robert Kiyosaki a life changing education is a type of education very much different from the traditional education because unlike traditional education which focuses primarily on mental education, a life changing education focuses on the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of education.

Mental education
In traditional education they teach us about reading, writing, arithmetic etc. Same thing with network marketing, you will learn about numbers, products and a lot of other things.

Emotional education
In traditional education, they tend to teach us the emotion of fear, the fear of making mistakes which leads fear of failing. Remember when you were in school and you get punished when you commit a mistake? But the problem is, in the real world the people who makes the most mistakes and learn from them are the one who gets ahead. In network marketing they will teach you that it is alright to commit mistakes, but be sure to learn from them. You grow as you commit mistakes.

Physical education
Since people who are afraid of making mistakes don't do much they don't learn much. Learning is both mental and physical, when you are learning a new language that is mental and when you are learning a new sports that is physical. Remember that there is a big difference between 'knowing what to do' and doing what you know'. In traditional school they teach you the facts and emotionally teaches you to be afraid of making mistakes, which holds you back physically. While in network marketing you will learn by doing.

Spiritual education

Spiritual is a very sensitive topic. Just look for a networking company that does not focuses on the compensation but it should also be a force for good.

Remember that regardless if you reach the top of the network marketing system or make much money, the training is of great value for the rest of your life.

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

Give me 100 Filipino Soldiers

MacArthur once said during the Korean War, where several battalions of Philippine soldiers fought under his United Nations command, “Give me 100 Filipino soldiers and I will conquer the world.” Hyperbolic as it seemed, it was a testament to the Filipino fighting men whose loyalty to the United States was beyond question and whose bravery in war was par to none.

Yes, if the General said this to Filipinos, we can say it again with the new war; the war against financial illiteracy, poor mindset and scarcity mentality:

"Give me 100 CA Core Team Coaches and we can spread financial education throughout the nation and the world."

This time let us fight for TIME AND MONEY FREEDOM!

"Freedom belongs to those who have the courage to fight for it" - GOMBURZA.

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