If there is one Bayanihan I know that’s really being practiced, it’s what Create Abundance Business Community is doing. I often hear Bayanihan during times of calamities. In the recent Ondoy calamity, it has been used often times in relation to emergency. Yes, Bayanihan really happens however it’s usually mentioned only during times when we're already suffering the impact of our lack of concern for our environment, our community. We’ve seen what Bayanihan could accomplish during times of emergency yet we fail to consider using it to prevent calamities like Ondoy from happening again. We could save a lot, people and other resources if Bayanihan is done for preventive measures and not for emergency measures.
Entrepreneur Coach is inviting you to join her exclusive online business community www.ca2020.net and Create Abundance International Community at facebook http://createabundance2020.com Read what community members say about Create Abundance at http://iloveabundance.vox.com.
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