Friday, October 2, 2009

A New Set Of Eyes by Kris Ramirez, Core Team

I graduated with a degree of B.S. Biology and I'm supposed to go to med school but since my family was struggling financially, I wasn't able to pursue medicine and eventually became the breadwinner. As a breadwinner, I chose a job that pays more than average so I worked in a call center.

After year and a half, I thought of working in real estate sales to study sales since it's one of the most important aspects in business then real estate because I idolize Donald Trump and he loves real estate.

After some time, we had the opportunity to put up a business using the money that my father's friend, which is a businessman, gave to him as a gift. We had an internet cafe and it was run by my older brother. After a year, the business was still not going so well. I was looking for a mentor so I can save our Internet Cafe which my brother plans to close and that was the time I've found Create Abundance 2020 Business Community.

We still closed our internet cafe despite of having a mentor because I was advised to do so. I assumed that my mentor thought that I wasn't prepared to handle such business since my core values still didn't fit the business world during that time. At first I was quite not okay with what my mentor's advice to close the cafe but I acted despite of doubt and trusted my mentors. Along the way, it was revealed to me that I made the right choice. For me, this community is like a rehabilitation center wherein it will teach you how to act despite of fear, doubt and of anything. And here's where I've found people who do not forget how to dream and to make their dreams a reality. I've also learned from this community that wealth will just follow our personal growth. I've been a debater in school and haven't noticed that I've also became a debater in whatever happens to my life wherein I complain too much and I was highlighting things that are negative because I've formed the habit of always debating about something especially since I came from a family of activists. But when I joined the community, it gave me a new set of eyes. I realized that I was paying attention to senseless things like debating on things that really should not consume much of my time because it makes me unproductive. Instead of debating on it, I learned how to take action, mind my own business and to keep moving forward. I've also learned how to produce results with little or no information. I am also able to form the habit of highlighting things that are positive rather than the negative. The community trained me to only entertain thoughts that empower me and if something disempowers me, I was able to adapt the habit of turning a disempowering story into an empowering one.

The community also was able to give me the opportunity to hone my leadership skills. Though I was given leadership roles when I was in high school and very active in extra-curricular activities, I feel I was not a good leader back then simply because I do not feel fulfilled. CA2020 gave me an excellent training ground to test my leadership and entrepreneurial skills and now I have a bigger dream which is to lead Filipinos to achieve First World Philippines! My mentors taught me well and now it’s time for me to pay it forward!

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

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