Monday, November 9, 2009

5 Reasons Why Play the Cashflow Boardgame?

Rich Dad Poor Dad Tells about Robert Kiyosaki’s Childhood

A lot of people have been reading the bestselling book Rich Dad Poor Dad written by the Japanese-American Multimillionaire Robert Kiyosaki and that’s where the Cashflow boardgame first mentioned. If you have no idea about the book, it talks about the contrasting mindset of his Poor Dad (his biological father) and his Rich Dad (his friend’s billionaire father). His real father is not financially poor literally, he earns big since he has a doctor’s degree and one of the top people of the Biggest University in Hawaii but Robert always wondering why their family always struggling every month for money. While his Rich Dad, only a high school graduate but, he was one of the richest men in Hawaii.

Robert Kiyosaki’s journey to financial freedom was guided by his Rich Dad’s teachings and that’s why he retired at age 47.He is now imparting that knowledge to us, and the Cashflow Boardgame is the integration of 30 years of his business experience.

Are you wondering what will be your result 30 years from now? If yes, I encourage you to play the game and find it out yourself.

Let me give you "5 Reasons Why You Have to Play the Cashflow Game":

Reason #1: It’s the Closest Simulation to Reality

There's a saying that "Experience is the best teacher." A lot people are reading books like Rich Dad Poor Dad and after that they were inspired to take action but, when the reality comes in, or after hearing some negative comments from other people (most of the time from our family and friends), they decided to stay in their comfort zone and do nothing. Based on the concept of "Cone of Learning", doing the real thing is the best way to learn - it's like knowing all the strokes of swimming then applying it by jumping into the water. Simulation of the real situation is the nearest to actual experience, and that is what the Cashflow game offers.

Reason #2: It will Expose yourself to the Investment of the Rich

Most people wants to be rich but they don't want to do what Rich people do, ironic isn't it? Stocks, Mutual funds, Preferred Stocks, Real Estate, Business Start-ups etc. maybe you've heard of them but you haven't experienced doing the actual thing. This is a great time for you to be exposed to the Investment of the Rich. Have you ever wondered how Rich and Wealthy earn thru these investments whether the market is up or down? See for yourself by playing the game.

Reason #3: It will Expand your Horizon

There's nothing wrong with your current job, ofcourse you need to earn to support yourself and your family but, you have to realize that there are other ways to earn. Like any cars, some were slow and some were used for racing. Same with finances, some investment vehicles can bring you to your to millions in a year, some in 3 to 5 years. Now to it's your turn to identify what investment vehicles can bring you faster to your dreams. Now I encourage you invest your time to financial education to know these things.

Reason #4: It will Give you a Clear path to Financial Freedom

Most people have this very common formula, EARN - SPEND -SAVE or work hard to earn and work harder if you want to earn more. This game will teach you that instead of you working hard for the money, the money is the one working hard for you. Let me ask you, do you like the idea that you're sleeping or you're traveling to the places you want but you're still earning? If yes, maybe you need to change your path starting today and do the things that can lead you to your Financial and Time freedom. I've learned that,

"Financial freedom is ability to live the lifestyle you desire without having to work, or rely on anyone else for money." - T. Harv Eker

Reason #5: It will Expose the Real You

Some people doesn't want to borrow money from the bank, because for them it's a headache. Some people prefer to save, save, and save so that they have spare money for emergency situations. Some people doesn't want to invest because it's too risky. Well, in the world of business and investments believe what you believe but in the end what really matters is your result. Whatever is your strategy right now with your money, try to apply it on the Cashflow game - if it makes you"Rich", well then you're already on the right path but if not, maybe you need to be humble enough to recognized your mistakes, then grow, and succeed next time.

"Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They're both important and schools are forgetting one of them." - Robert Kiyosaki

"If you always care what other people thinks about you, you'll never ever gonna get Rich." - Self-Made Millionaire

Join and Participate on the Cashflow 101 Event in the areas near you this weekend and be financially smarter!

This is an original blog composed by Cy Bombeo. It may not be reposted or otherwise recopied without the expressed written consent of the author.


Cy Bombeo 
CA2020 Business Coach
Supports the Dream of First World Philippines

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

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