Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cashflow 101 and 202: The 3 Stages of Financial Freedom

Getting out of the rat race is a process. Here are the stages of a Core Team member in Winning the Money Game in relation to the Cashflow 101 and 202 game.

Stage 1 Financial Freedom Success - Your Passive Income is equal or greater than your expenses.

Being a core team member you will learn by knowing and doing the Information Age Leverage formula in creating passive income while being employed or being a Self Employed.

The moment your Passive Income becomes equal or greater than your employment salary or self employment income you are now out of the Rat Race.

From this point you can use the time you spent in employment or self employment in developing and building more passive income streams. In the CA2020 Core Team, a Business School Franchise, is a passive income stream.

This would not be easy if you are not coachable, open minded and have the strong desire to succeed. The transition from the Left Side to the Right Side of the Cashflow Quadrant is a transition of Core Values and/or reprogramming of Money Blueprints.

Stage 2 Financial Freedom Success - Your Passive Income is the same with your Lifestyle.

This is where you are working as a Team Made Millionaire inside the Core Team. In the Cashflow Game this is where your Passive Income is Multiplied 100 times. Since you are now out of the Rat Race you will spend most of your time learning. You will have more time reading required readings and books, More coaching and mentoring time, more trainings and seminars, more trips domestic and abroad, more time leading and coaching others, more time developing the following skills and benefits:

$ Attitudes of Success
$ Leadership Skills
$ Communication Skills
$ People Skills
$ Overcoming personal fears, doubts and lack of confidence
$ Overcoming fear of rejection
$ Money Management Skills
$ Investing Skills
$ Accountability Skills
$ Time Management Skills
$ Goal Setting
$ Systemization

This is the process of transition from Left side to the Right Side of the Cashflow Quadrant. This is also where you are taught the Stage 2 of the CA2020 Power Investing, which is Income Generating Real Estate, the moment your Passive Income reach USD10,000/month or having 100+ Business School Franchises.

The knowledge and experience in Real Estate is the platform for the Strategic Investments or the Stage 3 of the http://www.ca2020.net/profiles/blogs/cashflow-101-and-202-the-3" style="text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(89, 48, 34); font-size: 1em;">CA2020 Power Investing Plan.

Stage 3 Financial Freedom Success - This is the time you are a full-fledge Big Business.

In the Cashflow 101 Game this where your Passive Income reaches USD 50,000 a month. You already have 500 or more Business School franchises. You are totally in the Right Side of the Quadrant.

At this stage in the CA2020 Power Investing Plan you are now creating and doing more Big Businesses that will benefit majority of the Filipinos in a Massive Scale. Your learnings, skills and experience from Stage 1 and Stage 2 will make the creation of Big Business a higher chance of success. At this stage we are not Stock Traders but rather we are Stock Creators.

The Cashflow 101 and 202 Gatherings are conducted as one of our service programs offered to the public in fulfillment of our Community Purpose of Spreading Financial Education Throughout the Nation.

You are welcome to attend our Community Cashflow Gatherings. You are encourage to bring more people at the gathering. You are even given a 50% discount if you come with a group of 3 or more people.

To reserve your seats contact the core team member who invited you here in ca2020.net.

Thank you for taking time reading this post and i wish you learn by knowing and doing.

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

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