Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Becoming a Ca2020 Business and Wealth Coach by Flow Sotelo, Core Team

“Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think.” - Ayn Rand

The Create Abundance 2020 Business Community is an organization whose purpose is to empower people and organizations to generate and fulfill new possibilities based on gifts, generosity, accountability and commitment. It creates and provides services, programs, and business vehicles that produce extraordinary results. Its mission is to Spread Financial Education throughout the nation and the world and Create a First World Philippines.

Filipinos of different education, professions, religions, and ethnicity have been joining this community, first to learn, then to provide Business and Wealth Coaching to others. With all the Economic Recessions and Calamities all over the world, we enjoined ourselves, with people like Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, and many others as our virtual mentors, in educating people on Financial Literacy and creating First World Nations.

In the Philippines, out of the 90 million Filipinos, below 1% can be considered financially able to really navigate the nation's economy and really help people who are in dire need. As we have recently seen on TV, only a handful of Filipinos can make a huge contribution on helping others in need. What if, instead of having only 1% of financially capable Filipinos, there will be at least 20%? I think, that will make a lot of difference, do you agree with me?

I will sum up the Ca2020 strategy with this: To Raise Up 1,000 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Are CAPABLE of Training and Coaching 1,000 People Under Each One of Them.

How do we do that? We LEARN BY DOING.

If you have attended one of our Free Wealth Courses in Makati City or in Ortigas Center, the person who facilitates the Wealth Course is actually being Trained on being a Small Group Coach or Facilitator. There they experience first hand how to Teach, Answer Questions, and Communicate the Lessons they have previously learned. What they learn from there in turn is being processed through One-on-One Coaching, Small Group Trainings (called Leadership Dojo), and Actual Business Experience.

Yes, each of us (Ca2020 Business and Wealth Coach) are expected to REALLY experience Capital Raising, Cashflow Management, Marketing and Sales, Business Management, and how to put-up our Own Private Companies. Without those first-hand experiences we will not be able to Coach others. Plus, we are expected to use our monthly business earnings to enroll in the later stages of our schooling. It is a very practical and innovative way of learning - learning How to Be a Business and Wealth Coach by Becoming Wealthy Businessmen Ourselves.

Take note: Having a lot of money makes you Rich, but being Wealthy is having a lot of Time. It is by becoming Financially Free that we will be able to gain Time for more education. It is by becoming Financially Comfortable that we will have a Happy and Enjoyable Life. But, it is by becoming Financially Abundant that we will be able to have a very significant impact on our Nation and to the Lives of Others. By becoming Financially Abundant ourselves, we will be able to demonstrate Living with a Purpose.

Every Ca2020 Business and Wealth Coach wanabe has to have a Deeper Purpose before being accepted into the Core Team.

So, how can anyone be a Ca2020 Business and Wealth Coach?

As listed in the FAQs, "In order to be entitled to be a Coach, first you must be a Core Team Member then have undergone at least 3 to 6 months of Community Service, have a regular commitment days and showed growth and results in your own business school franchise."

If you're interested in joining us and become a Core Team member, please leave me a message on my profile page: Please put, "Coach Flow, I am interested in becoming a part of the Ca2020 Core Team". I will guide you along the way after that.

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

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