Sunday, September 27, 2009

Creating Wealth is not a Mystery it is a Formula.

The Create Abundance Formula on Wealth Creation:

IQ Intelligence Quotient
EQ Emotional Quotient
AQ Adversity Quotient
FQ Financial Quotient
NQ Network Quotient
Wealth and Abundance

IQ Intelligence Quotient is a measure to of the ability to understand and comprehend learned knowledge and application to achieve ones desire in life. In CA2020 knowledge comes from those authors who tried and succeeded. This refers to being both School Smart and Street Smart.

EQ/AQ Emotional Quotient and Adversity Quotient is how we deal our relationship with other people and how we handle difficulties in life. How we translate this experiences into lessons that would make as grow as a person. In CA2020 our service programs such as the Cashflow Gatherings and Wealth Course are learning experiences for our apprentices. It teaches them how to handle people from all walks of life. The more difficult people the better growth experience for the apprentices.

FQ Financial Quotient comes from Financial Education. This is learning the mechanics of wealth building. In CA2020 we believe that success is a habit. We constantly learn by teaching others about wealth building. The more people we teach the more our FQ increases. The more we learn the more money systems (pipelines) we are capable of building. Part of increasing the FQ is executing the Power Investing Plan.

NQ Network Quotient refers to your networking activities. How you expand your personal, professional and virtual network. In CA2020 we believe that Net Worth is in direct proportion of the size, quality, diversity and higher level of relationships of your network. This NQ makes it possible to create wealth from zero.

We invite you to join the CA2020 Core Team and learn the formula for creating wealth. Not only in knowing but also in doing.

For your wealth and abundance!

To join the Core Team send me a private message at:

Posted via email from Coach Rovel's Thoughts

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