Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Create Abundance Charter

Create Abundance is an organization whose purpose is to empower people and organizations to generate and fulfill new possibilities based on gifts, generosity, accountability and commitment. We create and provide services, programs and business vehicles that produce extraordinary results for our partners.

We conduct ourselves and our organization from the following fundamental values that are the heart of who we are being:

The opportunity to make a difference. The profound privilege of participating in one's own financial transformation, the transformation of others and financial transformation of the world itself.

Responsibility. Responsibility begins with the willingness to experience oneself as cause of the matter, to be the cause of the matter in one's life. A context one chooses to live.

Service. Service begins with willingness to commit to another being. It's a relationship in which one commits to another person.

Accountability. Accountability is the opportunity to live at choice rather than accidentally. It is the opportunity to carve out the future rather that to sit back and have it happen in one's life.

Integrity. It is a space where one becomes his/her promise rather than what one said. Honoring and respecting one's word. One gives up life when one compromises integrity.

We promise to be true to our purpose, to accomplish our mission, to operate consistent with our values and to generate our enterprise in service to humanity.

This is who we are. This is what we stand for.


Our Mission
Spread financial education throughout the nation and the world.

Our Vision: Create 1,000 US Dollars Team-Made Multi-Millionaires by Year 2020.

Our Purpose: is to have the power and freedom of creating abundance alive and real for all people.

Our Dream: Create First World Countries FOR the World

Our commitment to making this happen: First World Philippines!

Our Motto: Mission Before Commission.

Our Strategy: Create Wealth and Financial Freedom from Zero to Three Years Using the Art and Science of Leverage and the Power of Mastermind Teams.

To join the Core Team send me a private message at:

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

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