Wednesday, September 30, 2009

People Are Risky, Investing Is Not by Rhea Prosia, Core Team

How oftentimes have you heard someone say that investing is risky?

I stumbled upon a query posted by a lady on an online forum soliciting suggestions on what business to get into with her 100K. The lady just quit her job to tend for her needs while pregnant and had decided with her husband to no longer go back to employment. The post yielded several replies suggesting different types of TRADITIONAL businesses. If the lady will heed any of the respondents’ advice, she is definitely in for a disastrous ride. Why do I say so?

First of all, the lady was an employee and had no background in business. In anything that we get into, do we not look into ourselves first if we have any knowledge, skills, courage and the mindset (and a lot more) of the roles we will assume? Some say, we’d learn it along the way and yes, you will learn it the hard and disastrous way. Think of fresh graduates. A lot do not have work experience. If a number of them got hired as call center agents and hit the floor on their first day without undergoing orientation and training, what do you think will happen? If they continue to grope around without any knowledge of the account they are handling, without knowing what system to use and how or when to use it and not knowing the processes they are involved in, the company will suffer huge losses and everything will collapse. Addition to that would be the emotional and mental trauma the employees will suffer due to not being trained to be bigger than failure, and the feelings of fear and hopelessness.

Second, most of the people who responded were not businessmen. Their suggestions came from the things they observed outside of them – things they only get to see but never experienced. If you are the lady, are you still to take their advice?

The most successful people in the world like Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, etc always encourage people to be educated first. That is why you would see their learning materials in the bookshops, their regular write ups online and on television shows and seminars upon seminars even giving out free materials especially for those who do not have access to financial education.

To start a business, you should be educated first. If you have the desire to be in a business, look into yourself if you are the right person. If you are not the right person as yet, then learn how to be. Business is like driving. You got to be fit for driving before you can drive on your own. You got to have a coach to guide you and from whom you can learn a lot with and a lot from. You got to know the rules and the laws on traffic and driving.

If you desire to be in a business and want to be the right person by learning and applying the principles of the successful people in this country and other parts of the world, a series of public education events such as Cashflow 101 and free Wealth Courses are made available for everyone’s access. Visit and contact 09153014981 for seat reservations.

Investing is not risky, people are. -- Why We Want You To Be Rich


Rhea P Prosia
09153014981/ 09228349377

Posted via email from Create Abundance 2020 Business Community

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